Updated for 2023, the mobile options in Switzerland good deals look like this:
Two contenders for the cheapest and best value are, in no particular order:
- Go-Mo. CHF10 per month, post-paid. Unlimited voice and data in Switzerland on the Salt network with 60 days’ notice from the 9th of each month. See the post about it….
- Digital Republic. CHF4 for basic, slow data with bundling up to fast data and voice. Stop paying or remove your renewal and it just stops. Best of all, try before you buy – you get their CHF10 data option and CHF10 voice option for one month to test – for free (they send you the SIM and you go through an online video identification process).
Going to conventional providers, the following exist (24 month postpaid contracts for these ones):
- Salt. Never pay full price for a subscription, the sweet spot currently is their Europe Data or Europe Max package (depending on your need for standard voice calls when roaming). Prices are discounted for the duration of the subscription and are around CHF25/CHF32 for those two packages.
- Sunrise. Typically offers give 12 months discount (so 12 months at regular price), presently running at CHF35 for a subscription with European roaming.
- Swisscom. They give you 6 months discounted so bank on 18 months at full price. Go digital for support and combine and they become competitive (best option CHF50, typically, with roaming).
Getting away from 24 month contracts but still post-paid, the following might appeal:
- Yallo. Presently offering a Swiss-only unlimited option at CHF24, two months notice from each month-end
- Das Abo. Offers around CHF30 will get a roaming package (6Gb) in Europe with calls to European countries included. This might appeal if you want to call with normal phones to other countries (60 days’ notice).
- Teleboy. With origins rebroadcasting TV signals over the web, they will sell a Swiss package, unlimited, for CHF25. Again, 60 days’ notice.
- Galaxus. A Digitec brand with roots going back to selling tech toys from a boxroom above the Post office in Wiedikon. CHF19 gets unlimited in Switzerland with 1GB roaming thrown in. Cancel at the end of any month.
Lebara. An international brand with Swiss unlimited voice and data plus calls to Europe being unlimited – for CHF25 with present discount. No minimum contract.
TalkTalk has some periodic offers for certain subscriptions, namely the US&EU Unlimited which comes down to CHF35 with discount for life at certain times. This might suit many with call needs to destinations abroad.
These are the current stars of the show – in my opinion of course. You might find a better deal but the advice is take one of the always-cheap options to begin with (Digital Republic, Digitec, Go-Mo) and take some time to decide what comes next.
There are so many bargains to be had in this space and your usage model will perhaps differ from others’.